Gardening can be an immensely rewarding and enjoyable experience, but it is not without its challenges. One of the most common problems faced by gardeners is unwelcome wildlife, such as squirrels, digging up their gardens in search of food or shelter.
Squirrels are notorious for their mischievous and unpredictable nature, often leaving gardeners frustrated with the damage they cause to flower and vegetable beds. With their nimble abilities, squirrels can be a challenge to control, and a single approach may not always be effective.
However, the right techniques can help you mitigate the damage caused by these crafty rodents in your landscape.
Let’s discuss 7 humane ways to stop these pesky critters from damaging your hard work and ruining your beloved outdoor spaces. Remember that there are effective and ethical solutions available that require no harm to animals or disruption to nature’s delicate balance.
What is the harm of squirrels digging your garden and why are they attracted
A garden can be an oasis of tranquillity and beauty, but the peaceful environment is often threatened by pesky critters. Among them are squirrels that seem to have a knack for digging up gardens in search of nutrition sources.
While a small population of these rodents can add some charm to any outdoor space, their destructive nature cause many homeowners to look for natural ways to control their activity.
Squirrels are attracted to gardens for a variety of reasons, most notably due to the abundance of food sources and shelter.
They use their sharp claws and teeth to scavenge through the soil looking for hidden nuts or seeds brought by birds. They may dig on lawns or flower beds for insects, bulbs, roots, and other plant material found beneath the surface.
This behaviour disrupts the composition of soils, leading to compaction and erosion over time which can damage plants significantly if left unchecked.
How to identify the problem
While this is not necessarily harmful in itself, their digging can cause damage if it becomes excessive or affects plants directly.
You have to identify the root cause of why squirrels are drawn to your garden before attempting any solutions.
Common reasons behind squirrel activity may include accessible bird feeders, easy access to compost piles, or even an overabundance of vegetation that provides cover or potential nesting materials.
If there are signs of recent digging activity near these areas, then chances are the problem lies with one of them.
Make sure to check for any gaps around fencing or other structures which might allow entry into the garden. If any, those gaps should be filled up promptly as a preventative measure.
Now let’s talk about the 7 amazing ways to prevent squirrels from digging up your garden!
1. Get a dog
The theory that having a dog in the garden can help deter squirrels from digging is backed up by numerous studies.
For example, a study found that when the researchers placed four dogs around their test garden, there were significantly fewer diggings observed than in areas without dog presence.
This suggests that having a pet could be one of the most effective deterrents for small animals like squirrels.
However, when considering such an action, remember your responsibility as a pet owner and ensure you’re taking proper steps to keep your furry friend safe and healthy.
Regular walks with your pup will also give them time to explore the area which helps build territorial behaviour, making them more likely to protect the space from other animals.
Keeping the safety precautions in mind is essential when adding a pet into any environment – not only for yourself but for the well-being of all involved.
Related: Why do some dogs chase squirrels? Study finds genetic links to canine quirks
2. Create a barrier
Gardens are often popular spots for squirrels. One way to keep them away is by creating a barrier. Here are several different methods when constructing a barrier:
- Fencing: A physical fence around the garden can act as an effective shield against squirrels entering the area. It should be at least three feet high, with chicken wire or mesh fencing on top to prevent climbing over.
- Invisible Fences: An invisible electric fence installed along the perimeter of the garden will give off a mild shock if touched upon by any animal. This type of system requires careful installation and maintenance in order to remain effective. However, it might not be a squirrel-friendly way of keeping squirrels away from your yard.
By taking proactive steps to establish clear boundaries between humans and wildlife, you can ensure that your garden is in great shape and protected against wildlife.
Pi Gardening is the best gardening company if you want to build a fence or any other gardening structure in London and need professional assistance.
3. Cover the garden
Covering the garden is also an effective way to prevent squirrels from digging. You should consider using landscape fabrics which are available in various materials and weights.
This fabric will lay over the soil, providing an effective barrier between it and any would-be diggers. To ensure that no part of the garden remains exposed to potential damage, secure the edges of the fabric with stakes.
Mulching can provide added protection against animals looking for food or bedding material; however, care must be taken when applying mulch near plants so that its acidity does not become too high and cause harm instead of protecting them.
Consult garden landscaping services in case you need to make some major changes to your garden.
4. Install motion-sensor sprinklers
A simple device like a motion-sensor sprinkler can help you resolve this problem once and for all. They work by spraying water as soon as they detect an animal’s presence, scaring away the offending creature and discouraging them from returning.
Installing motion-sensor sprinklers is relatively inexpensive; most of the cost comes from purchasing the equipment itself. Generally speaking, you can expect to pay between £20-£70 for each unit, but this can vary depending on the type and quality of the product chosen.
Furthermore, it may be necessary to add additional components such as timers or rain sensors which will increase the overall cost. Maintenance should also be taken into account when considering using motion sensors as part of a long-term solution: you have to replace batteries every few months and make some adjustments if animals become accustomed to their effects over time.
5. Try a commercial repellent
A majority of gardeners have reported that they’ve experienced squirrels digging up their gardens at least once. It is no surprise that many people are looking for less harmful ways to stop these animals from wreaking havoc on their plants and flowers.
One possible solution is using commercial repellents. When addressing this issue with commercial repellents, you need to figure out what works best. Fortunately, there are several products available in stores designed specifically to repel squirrels.
These products typically contain ingredients like garlic or chilli pepper extract which can act as a deterrent when sprayed liberally around the perimeter of your garden.
You can also consider using certain ultrasonic devices that emit sound waves that only animals can hear and which may keep them away from an area. Such solutions may help prevent further damage but don’t guarantee total success every time.
For example, persistent squirrels may still attempt to dig even if deterred initially. However, such remedies do offer alternatives for those who wish to protect their gardens without resorting to harsher methods of control.
These methods are similar to the way of keeping the foxes out of the garden
6. Get a fake predator (like owl from Amazon)
Although commercial repellents can be effective in deterring some animal pests from entering the garden, their effectiveness may not extend to squirrels.
An alternative technique is to get a fake predator and position it in an area of the garden that the squirrels frequent.
A plastic owl or other predatory bird figures may do the trick as these highly social animals are known to perceive potential danger and take flight when they spot one of these faux predators.
However, there is no guarantee that this method will work as studies have shown its limited effectiveness against small mammals such as squirrels.
In fact, once a squirrel has become accustomed to a fake predator’s presence, he may simply ignore it altogether.
7. Relocate their food
Here is another alternative available to help you protect your garden from being damaged by wildlife while still allowing them to flourish.
One of these solutions is relocating their food source to an area away from your garden.
This reduces the chances that they will come near or dig in your yard looking for food and encourages them to look elsewhere instead.
Ultimately, relocating their food sources away from your yard is one easy solution for keeping squirrels away from your garden without having any negative impact on the local environment or population.
Final thoughts
The reality of living with squirrels is that they can gradually destroy your garden. Fortunately, you can try these solutions to keep them away from your garden. With a bit of knowledge and effort, you can easily protect your plants and flowers from unwanted visitors while still respecting the environment.
Don’t forget to take into account their natural behaviours and preferences in order to effectively address the problem without resorting to cruel methods.